Klimatizace serverovny 6. NP

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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DetailC1687/B/2022/Ř10. 05. 2022DCI Czech a.s.98 635,5781 517,0098 635,5781 517,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailBIMOK AIR, spol. s r.o.Praha181 500,00150 000,00CZK
DetailJaroslav Fišer - "KLIMAMONT"Louny127 050,00105 000,00CZK
DetailOTTA-vzduchotechnika a klimatizace s.r.o.Sadská116 281,0096 100,00CZK
DetailPRAGOPOLAIR s.r.o.Benátky nad Jizerou259 068,99214 106,60CZK
DetailKlimatizace365 s.r.o.Tuhaň145 647,70120 370,00CZK
DetailDCI Czech a.s.Praha98 635,5781 517,00CZK
DetailGlobal Klima Servis s.r.o.Kounice134 439,47111 107,00CZK